La fecha para la cd de México y Monterrey pospuestas y Arch enemy nueva fecha

Copio y pego

Bueno lo que faltaba.

Gracias a que varios gobiernos en Sudamerica han decidido que si se viaja a Mexico no se puede entrar en sus paises, evitaremkos mencionar cuales hicieron esto, la banda decidio de manera poco profesional avisarle al mundo que el tour se pospone por medio de Blabbermouth, y jamas se le aviso a ninguno de los pro,motores por medios claros y especificos, esperamos la proxima semana darles la nueva fecha
DRAGONFORCE: Latin American Tour Postoned - May 8, 2009
British extreme epic power metallers DRAGONFORCE have been forced to postpone their debut tour of Latin America due the swine flu pandemic."We are obviously not happy as we were all really looking forward to touring Latin America for the first time and were all set to go, but there is nothing we can do about it, this has been forced upon us by government intervention.," said guitarist Herman Li. "Work has already started on rescheduling the shows so any fans who bought tickets should keep them as they will be valid for the new dates. Watch out for announcements in the media or online as we will be playing there in the near future, for sure!"Nina Rung of Domination TV conducted an interview with DRAGONFORCE guitarist Sam Totman prior to the band's March 3, 2009 concert at Tavastia in Helsinki, Finland. Watch the chat below.DRAGONFORCE's debut LP, "Valley Of The Damned", will be reissued this spring via Spinefarm Records. This wonderfully explosive nine-tracker — set for U.K. release on May 24 — proved that the band's signature style (expansive material, soaring vocals, guitar pyrotechnics) was very much in place from day one, with songs such as "Black Fire", "Disciples Of Babylon" and the title track itself showing a band both ambitious and accomplished beyond its years.In order to make this 2009 reissue something special, all of the material has been both remixed and remastered (by guitarist Herman Li and regular producer Karl Groom), a bonus DVD has been added and the artwork generally brought up to date. The DVD is especially interesting as it contains a number of different elements, including a live version of "Valley Of The Damned" filmed/recorded in Osaka, Japan, on the band's first-ever visit to that country. Add to this a selection of footage captured and commented on by the guys themselves, and you have an overall package that provides both the musical goods plus an insight into what goes on behind the scenes — which, in the world of DRAGONFORCE, seems to consist of near-constant insults and banter, healthy amounts of "drinking" plus the inappropriate consumption of corned beef!

Por su comprension mil gracias, denos una semana por favor Atte: EyeScream Productions


Debido a la contingencia sanitaria que nuestro país y sobre todo nuestra ciudad a sufrido en los últimos días, el show que teníamos programado para el día 8 de mayo ha sido pospuesto para el día 20 de Agosto a las 8 PM, los boletos previamente adquiridos servirán para el show y los últimos boletos que quedan para el mismo están en el circo volador ya que ya no hay en ticket master.

Aun cuando el día 6 de Mayo la alerta bajo a solo amarilla y se autorizo la realización de espectáculos públicos, no podremos mantener la fecha ya que al haber sido previamente informados de otras reglas se compraron pasajes para la banda de regreso a su país, terminando el tour en Santiago de Chile y no en México.

Así mismo les informamos que muy pronto daremos a conocer la fecha del show de Monterrey de la banda

Atte: EyeScream Productions


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